Sunday, August 28, 2016

Family and Friends

 We had a packed week with our joint theme of family and friends!  We had so much fun using paint, playdough, bubbles, crayons, stamps, tissue paper, and feathers.  I also introduced our morning table top centers that we'll do from time-to-time.  Don't worry if the activities seem a bit challenging for your kiddo right now.  As we learn new skills and exercise our little hands, these table top centers will become much easier over time!  We also introduced some technology at the end of the day and got some wiggles out during our letter songs that we saw.  So many cute songs to choose from, and they loved it!  I attached a few links to the letter "F" songs I found.  They all come from, and they're only a few minutes long.  Check them out if you get a chance!

We played with bubbles outside during some of your recess time.  
Great fine motor activity with these little wands and such great signs of friendship 
when kiddos were sharing the bubble liquid.  I was so proud of how well they worked 
together and shared their space!

We used our paint dotters to put a dot on all of the number 1's we could find on our papers.  Mrs. Karen helped them be great detectives on the hunt for the right number!

 The table top centers that I introduced this week will be a short morning activity at times 
when they first come into class.  The activities help us work on shape recognition, 
letter recognition, color recognition, number recognition, and fine motor skills.
There are a lot of different center pouches, so your child will eventually have a 
chance to do them all.

"F" is for footprint!  
Mrs. Karen painted one foot for each kiddo, and then printed it on a paper.
This little guy had super ticklish feet, so painting his little foot was pretty fun to watch!


 "F" is for feather too!  
We glued colorful feathers and "traced" the uppercase and lowercase "F" letters.  This was one of our first attempts to glue anything with glue sticks, and it was a success!

 "F" is for fish!
We worked the little muscles in our hands by tearing pieces of tissue and crepe paper and then glued them to our picture.  We read the book, "The Rainbow Fish" about the importance of being a good friend by sharing, so we covered our little fish with rainbow colored tissue paper.  We listened to the story online and got watch the video of the book while we listened.  Here's a link to the story if your kiddo would like to hear it again.  It's a classic!


 "F" is for fingerprint!

We used the stamp pads of different colors to "trace" upper and lowercase "F" with our little fingerprints.  This activity will go in their portfolio, so don't worry if you didn't see it in their folder this week.  Super cute and colorful activity for these little kiddos, and it's always fun when you get a little messy in the process!

 "F" is for FUN!
A little play time in the Minds in Motion Room, outside, or in the classroom is 
always fun no matter what you get to play with. 

"F" is for friends!
I was so proud of how well this little kiddos worked together and showed great FRIENDSHIP.  
We've been talking a lot this week about sharing and being kind in order to show friendship to others.


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