Sunday, December 11, 2016

Polar Express and Trains

This was one jam-packed week full of fun!  Between painting ornaments, getting a visit from Santa, drinking hot chocolate, and watching part of the Polar Express, we have had one exciting week!  Hope you enjoy all these cute pics, and I hope you have a great week.  For those of you that volunteered to bring/send in items, I'll plan to text you tomorrow with details.  Thank you so much!

Thanks again to all the adults that came to help out with painting the ornaments.  This made the process go much faster, and I'm sure they'll turn out cute!

While we were painting our ornaments, we got a special visit from Santa Claus!  He came to our classroom with a bag full of candy canes, and each kiddo got to pick one.  What a fun surprise!

Logan was our Student of the Week and got to share a few special things from the basket. :)

Jake told us all about his adventures with Gumby, including an interesting hide-and-seek game with the fireplace.  Luckily, all is well, and Gumby was left unharmed! :)

We got to play "Conductor Says" and did everything Mrs. Hannah did.  I'm not sure who looked funnier, them or me!

 Using the letter "R" to make a railroad track with trains.  We glued on the tracks, painted and glued on the trains, counted the trains, and then identified the colors of the trains.  This was a great combo activity for the skills we worked on this week!

 We got to color a scene from the Polar Express.

 We counted out marshmallows to glue on our hot chocolate cups.  Each cup had to have the right amount of marshmallows to match the number on the cup.  The biggest challenge is not just counting them, but not eating them when we trying to do the activity!

We're also continuing to work on our pencil grip and tracing our names.

Tracing our rectangular trains for our shape of the week.

Such a sweet group of kiddos playing together with trains.  I had to take a picture of these boys who were sharing so nicely with each other.  It just warms my heart.  :)

It's Polar Express time!  We got to watch the hot chocolate scene from the movie in Mrs. Laura's room, and then we also joined her class to have hot chocolate and cookies in a train made of chairs.  What is it about little kids in pajamas that is just so stinkin' cute!?  I love it!

Have a great week, and I'll see you on Thursday!

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