Sunday, March 8, 2020


It's been a whale of a week with our ocean theme!  We've used Cheerios to decorate octopus tentacles, we've used scarves to sing and pretend like we're the ocean waves, we've cut paper plates to look like shark jaws, we've squished paint in ziploc bags to make whales, and we've learned about Jonah and his experience with a big whale too!  It's been one fun-filled week, and I hope you enjoy all of our classroom pictures!

We worked on finding the missing letters in our whole alphabet list.  This required a lot of thought and singing our ABC's, but it was great practice.

Sharpening our cutting skills by cutting sharp, shark teeth in our paper plates!

Working on our counting fish book that works with addition problems.

Creating octopus crafts by gluing Cheerios on tentacles

Hunting for letter "E" and pictures that begin with that sound

Having fun in our sensory bin full of noodles, ocean animals, and blue marbles to look like the ocean

Listening to books on CD during independent work stations


We made a graph of our favorite ocean animals in our class.  
Apparently, sea horses are a popular favorite!

Creating our own ocean animals out of different shapes - a great chance to be creative!

 Deciding which beginning sounds go with which ocean animals

The whales we made after putting paper in a ziploc bag full of paint and squishing the paint all around - so fun!

Painting fish with pool noodles :)

Show and Tell for Letter "E"

Ear thermometer


3 eggs

2 Excavators - show separately :)

1 set of eye stickers

2 Elsas

2 elephants

Working as a team to put a puzzle together

Watching how an octopus uses ink to disguise itself in the water

Dr. Seth Ernstberger visited us to talk about our teeth and braces.

We made octopus with pipe cleaners and straws for tentacles.

 Making our ocean animals play in the playdough ocean

Fun times with scarves singing songs and pretending our scarves are ocean waves

MIM time

Instead of  Duck, Duck, Goose, we decided to play Shark, Shark, Fish !

Parachute fun!

Afternoon Lunch Bunch and Bridge Activties

Matching bean bag letters to letter cards

Building word puzzle pictures

Working on blends and digraphs to create new words in our word game

Changing beginning sounds to make words in the word family -in

Painting fish with bubble wrap and using Cheerios to make sand

Tracing letters in playdough

Creating jellyfish with paper plates and crepe paper

Free painting with pool noodles :)

Making sharks out of paper plates

Hunting for letter "E" our letter of the week

Building color words and sight words with magnet letters

Making ocean sensory bags with hair gel and ocean stickers

Hunting for color words all around the room

Playtime with friends

An ocean full of funny animals faces!

Hope you enjoyed swimming through our pics from the week!

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