Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Health and Nutrition

It's the perfect time of year to start talking about how important it is to stay healthy!  As cold and flu season starts, we're talking about eating healthy foods, getting exercise, brushing our teeth, and getting plenty of rest to help us stay healthy.  We've painted with fruits and vegetables, packed lunches with aluminum foil, traced heart beats, tried smoothies, squeezed orange juice, and even did a fun experiment with "pepper germs."  Hope you enjoy the pics from the week!

 Starting our day with table top centers to get our brains and hands moving

 Using fruits and veggies instead of paint brushes to paint pictures

Using paper to create our own individual salads on our plates

Cutting out foods and putting them in the healthy or not healthy categories of food

Using an ink pad to make hand prints and then covering with germs while we sing and talk about our washing hands song

 Making our "I" is for ice cream papers.  Not exactly healthy food, but it starts with "I"! :)

Painting pineapples with special sponge rollers to give it texture

Showing numbers 9 and 10 on our ten frames

On Friday, I traced the bodies of the kiddos in class, and they got a chance to draw their faces, clothes, and decorate them.  It took up a lot of space, but they certainly had fun with it!

We packed lunches with our plastic food.  We wrapped the food in aluminum foil and then placed them in paper sacks for a fun fine motor "brown bag" activity. 

We listened to our heart and our pulse in class and talked about what our heart does for the rest of our body.  Then, we talked about how our heart beat actually looks on a machine.  So, we traced heart beat patterns with markers for great tracing and fine motor practice.  So fun!

We also used paper and special scissors to cut different shapes and designs this week too.

I sent home this paper with a few good ideas that help our kiddos (and even adults) make healthy choices.

We did an experiment with pepper, water, and dish soap.  I put water on a plate and sprinkled the water with pepper.  The pepper was supposed to stand for the germs on our hands.

When I put my hand as it is in the water with pepper, the "pepper germs" do nothing.

Then, I decided to put dish soap on my finger tip.

 When I put my finger in the water with the soap on it, the "pepper germs" scattered.  Soap kills germs more than just plain water.  Hopefully, we'll remember this during cold and flu season!

 We made smoothies with lots of fruit, yogurt, ice, and a little spinach.

The Ninja blender was a little noisy. :)

The smoothies were yummy though!

 The next day, we made our own orange juice and got to squeeze it ourselves in the juicer.

 Kiddos that wanted a turn, got a chance to come up and squeeze an orange slice that made juice go into their cup.  It was delicious too!

Playing a pass the bean bag game (similar to musical chairs) on the carpet.

Looking at books together

Fun times in the green room :)

Afternoon Bridge/Lunch Bunch Activities

 Using our hands to make fruit and veggie crafts

Playing a puppy dog math game that involves counting dog bones

Matching foam letters with letter cards as an independent group

Hunting for the letter "Ii"

 Playing a game that requires color patterns and matching colors in at least one square or more

Cutting papers with craft scissors to make different shapes and designs on paper

Trace and Trade - Tracing all sizes of the letters we've covered so far and then trading with a neighbor

Working on a puzzle together as an independent group


Solving riddles with our fruit and veggie riddle cards

 Since we've been talking about germs and the importance of washing our hands, we made a face to look like ourselves and then covered our sneeze with a tissue.

So fun!

"Cover your sneeze, please!"

We also made germs out of different "blob" shapes and added all different colors of paper to them to make them look crazy.

"Germs are ick, they make me sick!"

We measured our plastic fruits and vegetables with an inch ruler and then recorded and compared our measurements to see which was the longest and shortest.  

Playdough fun with tracing our letters covered so far on playdough mats

Making letters out of Unifex cubes

Seeing how our gears are working during playtime with friends

Fun times in the green room

Hope you enjoyed our pics from the week!

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