Sunday, April 22, 2018

Plants and Gardening

We've had a lot of fun being gardeners this week!  We've planted green bean seeds, learned about the parts of a plant and studied what helps plants grow as well.  We've also watched flowers turn colors when we placed them in colored water too!  It's been quite a week as we've also reviewed our numbers 1-20 as well as all our letters in the alphabet as well.  Hard to believe we've gone through all 26 letters already!  Time sure has flown by this year, and it's going to be graduation time soon.  These kiddos sure are getting excited. :)  Hope you enjoy the pics and videos from the week!

Sid the Seed Video

Sight Word - Colors Rap

Full Alphabet Sound Song

Starting off our day with table top centers

Graduation practice...some of our songs even have motions! :)

This cutie was our Student of the Week.  So glad that she recently joined our class.  She is so sweet and truly has made our class complete.  We're glad you're here, sweet girl!

Working hard at painting our paper plates and popsicle sticks to make our flower crafts.

Mrs. Susie helped us with counting by 10's when we cut apart a puzzle and glued it back together in order by 10's up to 100.

We cut out the stages of growth from a tree and had to put them order as how they happened.

Mrs. Susie helped us plant flowers and talked to us about the different parts of the flower (roots, stem, leaves, and flower).


While Mrs. Hannah assessed kiddos on learning rings and end of the year assessments, some kiddos were also working on matching up their lowercase letters on the magnet boards.  This looks easy, but these kiddos still have trouble with this at times.

 We worked again on identifying a number on a ten frame and showing that amount.  We struggle with numbers 11-20, so we'll continue to do a lot of repetition with this.

We don't do a lot of coloring sheets in class, but this week we did.  I'm so proud of how far we've come with coloring!  We still have a few that scribble, but we're working so hard at staying in the lines and taking our time to get us ready for kindergarten and strengthen our hands.  Coloring is a GREAT way to strengthen the muscles in our hands to get us ready for writing, cutting, painting, and coloring that we'll do in kindergarten! :) 

Playtime with friends...we love to build and create and use our imagination every chance we get!

We spent some extra time outside this week when the weather was nice.  Had to take advantage of it while we could!

Have a great week!

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