Monday, October 23, 2017

Pumpkins and Fire Safety

It's been a busy week squeezing in fire safety and pumpkins for our theme this week!  We've been painting, drawing, coloring, cutting, gluing, pushing push pins and even hammering with toy hammers!  We've been able to do some fun science and hands-on activities as well with our pumpkins too.  Hope you enjoy the variety of pics from the week!  

 Starting our day off with our independent table top learning centers.

We've been reviewing our letters that we've learned so far.  We read our ABC chart and made the sounds that each letter makes.  We practiced identifying and writing these letters with dry erase markers.  They love using these markers!

We practiced tracing and then drawing shapes on our own.  Then, we used push pins and rubber bands to make shapes in our Geoboard Pumpkin.  So fun!

We also used toy hammers to hammer in small golf tees into the pumpkins.  This requires fine motor skills and little hand strength as well.  They loved it!


We used watercolors to paint our pumpkin with our scripture of the week.  We talked about the importance of letting our light shine from within by making good choices that make God and our parents happy.

We used our color of the week, brown, to paint our number of the week, 6.

Mrs. Susie did a new graph with us that required us to count, sort and graph the information.  This was a little tricky, but it was great counting practice as well number writing practice.

We have been working on knowing our color words, so we did a pumpkin coloring activity.  They had to match the word on the paper with the color word (written in the given color) in order to know what color to color the pumpkin.  This was tough for a lot of them, but we're still working on those color words!

I carved a Jack-O-Lantern for the class and showed them what "the guts" look like on the inside too!

Play time with friends inside

Playtime with friends outside.  Notice our new tricycles and Wiggle Bikes that we bought with our fundraiser money from Trike-a-Thon.  We also bought a little gas pump as well.  They love them!  Thanks for your generosity!

Addy shared her adventures with Gumby from Fall Break. So fun to spend some time with this little green guy!

We did a science experiment with candy pumpkins in oil, water, vinegar and milk.

We examined them and felt how smooth the candy pumpkins were before we put them.  Some of our kiddos wanted to smell them and the liquids first as well.

Before we put them in each one, we made predictions about whether we thought they would sink or float and whether or not they would change color or shape once they were in the liquid.

 They all sunk to the bottom, but some of them took longer than others.

At the end of our class time, we could see that some of the candy pumpkins changed and some remained the same.

The pumpkin in oil stayed the same, but the pumpkins in all the other liquids either dissolved or changed shape.  The one that completely dissolved was in water!   This was surprising!  Mrs. Hannah thought for sure it would be the one in vinegar! :)

We shared our letter "A" Show and Tell items on our Ten Frame.

There was 1 angel.

There was 1 Alaska book.

There was 1 airplane.

There were 3 apples.

There was 1 box of Altoids.

There was 1 Anklyosaurus.

There was 1 ambulance.

There was 1 ant.

There was 1 abacus.

There was 1 alligator.

We were so blessed to have a visit from our local Lafayette Fire Department this week!

They showed us a video about fire safety, talked to us about calling 911, stop, drop, and roll, and the importance of knowing that firemen are our friends.

We watched the fireman put on his uniform and even listened to him talk with his oxygen mask on.  It sounded a little strange, but we talked about the importance of telling firemen where we are in a fire instead of hiding and being scared.

We also talked about smoke detectors and how important it is to check the batteries in them regularly.

We even got to get up and give the fireman high fives just to show that he's our friend and not to be afraid of him in uniform.

Such brave kiddos!

Then, we got to see the firetruck!  Truly, the best part of the whole week I'm sure!

We saw the tools, the hoses, and...

we even got to go inside the truck!

So much fun had by all this week!

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